Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Ode to a Fox

or two or three...

Today The Little Foxes and I share our very first 'cake day' on Atlasquest. We have been official for a year now. Cheers Mama Fox!!
Mama Fox is very special to us because she is the very first letterboxer we ever met. And we met her by pure and hopeful coincidence. She was the very first finder on our brand new box we had planted at our local coffee shop. We had come that morning to put a first finder prize in it. As we sat at our table (all six of us!) we watched everyone who came in wondering if they were letterboxers. Finally a mother with two wonderful children came in with a red bag strapped over her shoulder.
“That's a letterboxer.” I nudged 'd' and pointed to her. Let's watch her. So we watched as she ordered her drinks and got settled. Well, maybe not. Then she very casually got up and began browsing the photos that we had hidden our box behind. She was good. I almost missed her getting the box. Once she had it in hand, we all stormed her table. She must've been overwhelmed.
So you're a letterboxer? What kind of logbook is that? Oh, wow, look at those markers! Postals, what are those?
We had a million questions. She was ever so gracious. In fact, she eventually showed us around her hometown and we tried to return the favor here. And those cubs are so great! Foxy Boy is such a help when I am trying to solve those tricky clues of his mom's. And my girls just think Foxy Baby is such a fun friend. If you haven't met Mama Fox and her kits, make a point to. And be sure to tell her Happy Cake day today. She is making wonderful contributions to the letterboxing world every day!!

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